Thirteen Reasons that I Am Not Posting My Thursday Thirteen Until (egad!!!) Thursday!!!
1. Amy starts maniacally checking and rechecking my blog around 5 p.m. on Wednesday to see if I've posted yet and I just felt like driving her crazy this week.
2. Our golf course is closed on Monday, so my golf week starts on Tuesday so it always FEELS like a Monday, so today I really FEEL like it's Wednesday.
3. I played 36 holes on Tuesday which occupied several hours during which I would have been mulling over and composing my Thursday Thirteen.
4. I played 23 holes on Wednesday, the last of which was played with golf cart headlights shining down the fairway so we could see where our balls went. If I hadn't done that, I might have had a few minutes to post on Wednesday...but I really didn't want to anyone (see item 1).
5. So much Sudoku, so little time.
6. I have a to-do list from my husband a mile long that I have to get done before golf each day.
7. While I am trying to get through my (our) to-do list, my husband calls every 5 minutes to ask me critical things like, "How do I warm up my leftover spaghetti from last night?"
8. If he gets my voice mail, my husband is quite certain I didn't MEAN for it to go to voice mail and so he continues to call and call until I answer, thus making me end up losing the call I was on re: our to-do list and have to start all over. But he now knows how to warm up spaghetti.
9. Note to wives everywhere: I am NOT making this up...this is absolutely true. My friend Sharis's husband John stopped me on the golf course (where else?) yesterday and said, "I think Sharis has been a little stressed lately and needs a break. I would like you to get her out tonight and make sure she has a really good time. I'll take care of the kids, dinner, baths, etc." How could I resist??? I couldn't say, "Sorry John, I have to write my Thursday Thirteen so Amy doesn't go off the deep end." (see item 1)
10. We were actually able, with almost no forethought or planning, to get five of us "girls" together, have a few beers and sit around on my friend's porch talking while our kids were with their Dads, at sleepovers, with grandparents, etc. That kind of time is too precious!
11. My son got the same score as I did on the back nine (I know Amy, I haven't told you what that means patient...I'll get all the golf lingo into you somehow), so I needed to play more so he won't be able to beat me anytime soon.
12. Since I don't have my printer here with me, when I need to print something, I have to e-mail it to my friend's office and have her print it out and fax it to another friend's house. So anything I do that requires printing takes much longer than it should!
13. I talked to my Mom yesterday for almost an hour!!! This is an unheard of phone call duration when my son is around. He ONLY interrupted about 12 times.
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I didn't want to incorporate this into my TT because it deserves a separate announcement. My Dad won the Super Senior Club Championship at his club this past weekend. This qualifies him to go to the regionals. And then, who knows...maybe the Olympics!!! I'm proud of him...just wish he had taught me how to play when I was younger so learning this game wouldn't be so freakin' hard!!! And I wish I got the gene that has allowed him to get FIVE holes in one in his life!
Here's my favorite picture of my Dad...from when we were in Alaska...I'm kind of surprised he didn't bring a golf club and a ball up on the glacier. that I've said that, he's going to want to go back!
Is that a golf hat you are wearing, Dad?